Extensible collection processing in Java with transducers

Streams were one of the big features of post-8 Java, and they remain a very convenient tool for applying transformations to collections. One limitation, though, is that they’re not really extensible; you’re largely stuck with the stream operations provided by the standard library. In Java 8, for example, there was no takeWhile operation. It is of course possible to write this yourself, so you can do something like:

StreamUtils.takeWhile(Stream.of(1, 2, 3)
    .map(x -> x + 1), 
  x -> x < 2);

The comparatively superficial problem with this is that custom stream operations look very different from the stream methods, making them harder to read when used as part of a stream pipeline The more fundamental problem is that they’re fairly cumbersome to write; generally, the implementation involves creating a new Stream implementation which itself uses a new Spliterator implementation, which wraps the Spliterator from the source Stream (for instance, here is the implementation of takeWhile from the protonpack library).

Would it be possible to provide something with the ergonomics of streams, but with more extensibility? I happened to run across the transducist TypeScript library, which suggests maybe a more extensible alternative to streams could be created based on transducers.

If I wanted to go there, I wouldn’t start from here

What are transducers? To explain that, it helps to start by talking about reducers. Reducers are functions that can be passed to a reduce function; that is, they take an accumulator and an element of a collection, and return a modified accumulator:

interface Reducer<A, T> extends BiFunction<A, T, A> { }

Then you could use a Reducer in something like:

var sum = Reduce.over(List.of(1, 2, 3))
  .reduce((a, t) -> a + t, 0);

Reducers can be used to implement a lot of operations on collections. In particular, because the accumulator can itself be a collection, a reducer can perform a transformation on the collection - for instance map:

static <T, U> Reducer<List<U>, T> map(Function<T, U> f) {
  return (acc, t) -> {
    var result = new ArrayList<>(acc);
    return result;

or filter:

static <T> Reducer<List<T>, T> filter(Predicate<T> p) {
  return (acc, t) -> {
    if (p.test(t)) {
      var result = new ArrayList<>(acc);

      return result;

    return acc;

There are a couple of issues with this (leaving aside the fact that it copies the list on each iteration; we’ll deal with that eventually): the resulting collection type is hardcoded to be a List, and the code to produce that list is duplicated between the reducers. We can solve the second problem by factoring out the list creation code:

static <T> List<T> addToList(List<T> list, T t) {
  var result = new ArrayList<>(list);
  return result;

static <T, U> Reducer<List<U>, T> map(Function<T, U> f) {
  return (acc, t) -> {
    return addToList(acc, f.apply(t));

static <T> Reducer<List<T>, T> filter(Predicate<T> p) {
  return (acc, t) -> {
    if (p.test(t)) {
      return addToList(acc, t);

    return acc;

This also suggests a solution to the first problem - rather than hardcoding addToList, we make it a parameter:

static <T, U, A> Reducer<A, T> map(Function<T, U> f, BiFunction<A, U, A> add) {
  return (acc, t) -> {
    return add.apply(acc, f.apply(t));

static <T, A> Reducer<A, T> filter(Predicate<T> p, BiFunction<A, T, A> add) {
  return (acc, t) -> {
    if (p.test(t)) {
      return add.apply(acc, t);

    return acc;

The interesting thing here is that the parameter is a function taking some kind of accumulator, and an element, and returning an updated accumulator: that is, it is itself a Reducer. So we can apply further reductions without producing an intermediate collection by supplying a downstream reducer. To filter and then sum, we could do:

var sumOfEvens = Reduce.over(List.of(1, 2, 3, 4))
  .reduce(Reducers.filter(x -> x % 2 == 0),
    (sum, x) -> sum + x);

Composing reductions with transformers

What our implementation of map and filter now have in common is that they take a Reducer, and produce another Reducer. Whe can formalise this as a Transformer (note that even if this were an interface rather than an abstract class, it wouldn’t be a functional interface, because the abstract method is generic):

public abstract class Transformer<I, O> { 
  public abstract <A> Reducer<A, I> apply(Reducer<A, O> downstream);

Then we can re-write map and filter as methods that produce Transformers, like:

static <T, U> Transformer<T, U> map(Function<T, U> f) {
  return new Transformer<T, U>() {
    public <A> Reducer<A, T> apply(Reducer<A, U> downstream) {
      return (acc, t) -> downstream.apply(acc, f.apply(t));

Because these transformers have a uniform interface, we can also compose them together, to build up a chain of reducing functions without (yet) specifying the final reducer:

public final <P> Transformer<I, P> compose(Transformer<O, P> other) {
  return new Transformer<I, P>() {
    public <A> Reducer<A, I> apply(Reducer<A, P> downstream) {
      return Transformer.this.apply(other.apply(downstream));

And this allows us to create a somewhat stream-like, fluent, interface for reductions:

var result = Reduce.over(List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
  .compose(Transformers.filter((Integer x) -> x % 2 == 0))
  .compose(Transformers.map((Integer x) -> x * 2))
  .reduce(Transformers::addToList, Collections.emptyList());

Short-circuiting operations

To return to the initial motivating example, takeWhile can also be implemented as a transformer, one which passes the value to the downstream reducer as long as the condition holds, and once it doesn’t hold, it just returns the existing accumulator unchanged:

public static <T> Supplier<Transformer<T, T>> takeWhile(Predicate<T> p) {
  return () -> new Transformer<T,T>() {
    private boolean conditionHolds = true;

    public <A> Reducer<A, T> apply(Reducer<A, T> downstream) {
      return (acc, t) -> {
        conditionHolds = conditionHolds && p.test(t);
        if (!conditionHolds) {
          return acc;
        return downstream.apply(acc, t);

There are a couple of issues here. One is that the reducer is stateful (it needs to know, not just whether the current value satisfied the predicate, but whether past values did), so you want to avoid re-using the same instance for multiple reductions. I handle that by having the takeWhile function return a Supplier, which produces a fresh instance (and adding an overload to the compose method which takes a supplier, maintaining a consistent interfance).

The other problem is efficiency - the implementation above returns the accumulator unchanged once the predicate doesn’t hold, but it still gets called, even when it isn’t going to be doing anything. That is, it has no way to indicate that processing of the source should finish. This can be accomplished by changing the return value to indicate whether or not further processing is required:

sealed interface Result<T> { }
record Continue<T>(T acc) implements Result<T> { }
record Stop<T>() implements Result<T> { }

public static <T> Transformer<T, T> takeWhile(Predicate<T> p) {
  return new Transformer<T,T>() {
    public <A> Reducer<A, T> apply(Reducer<A, T> downstream) {
      return (acc, t) -> {
        if (!p.test(t)) {
          return new Reducer.Stop<>();
        return downstream.apply(acc, t);

(this also removes the need for takeWhile to be stateful, but there are other reducers, like take, which do need to be stateful).

A mirror image of this problem occurs for transformers which need to know when the whole collection has been processed, for example, a replacement for Stream’s sorted method. You can’t be sure a collection is in order until you’ve seen every element, which also means a transformer which is intended to sort its input can’t pass any elements to the downstream reducer until it knows that the upstream has finished. We can deal with this by adding a finish method to the Reducer interface (with a default implementation which does nothing, and just returns the accumulater it is passed). Then we can implement a sorted transformer like:

public static <T> Transformer<T, T> sorted(Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
  return new Transformer<T, T>() {
    public <A> Reducer<A, T> apply(Reducer<A, T> downstream) {
      return new Reducer<A, T>() {
        private final PriorityQueue<T> buffer = new PriorityQueue<>(comparator);

        public Reducer.Result<A> apply(A acc, T t) {
          return new Reducer.Continue<>(acc);

        public A finish(A acc) {
          while(!buffer.isEmpty()) {
            var r = downstream.apply(acc, buffer.remove());
            if (r instanceof Reducer.Continue<A> c) {
              acc = c.value();
            } else {

          return downstream.finish(acc);

The apply method here doesn’t directly send its input downstream, or add it to the accumulator. Instead, it adds it to a PriorityQueue (so that we can later retrieve the elements in order); only when finish is called are the elements from upstream passed to the downstream reducer, in sorted order.


Finally, to return to something I mentioned near the beginning of the article, the inefficient addToList reducer:

public static <T> Reducer.Result<List<T>> addToList(List<T> list, T t) {
  var result = new ArrayList<>(list);
  return new Reducer.Continue<>(result);

As a reducer, this takes a list and returns a new list with the element added to it; to maintain that property while using a standard Java ArrayList, it copies the list every time. It would be more efficient to modify the list in place, and indeed the reducing function could do this, but that could be confusing and lead to errors, as the expectation is that reducers don’t modify the accumulator. Streams deal with this by distinguishing reduction from collection, where a Collector assembles items into a mutable result, and we could do the same. A simple Collector is a combination of a Consumer<T> (accepting each element) and a Supplier<R> (supplying the final result). So a toList collector could be implemented as:

class ToList<T> implements Supplier<List<T>>, Consumer<T> {
  private final List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
  public List<T> get() {
    return result;

  public void accept(T t) {

The problem is in using this with our transformers. We build up a transformer chain which passes its result items to a Reducer; but the collector defined above isn’t a Reducer. However, with a little tinkering, we can start to see it in a way which looks more like a reducer. The first thing to note is that we could implement Reducer’s apply method in terms of accept:

Reducer.Result<A> apply(A acc, T t) {
  return Reducer.Continue<>(acc);

accept doesn’t use the accumulator, so we don’t care what A is; we don’t care what the value is, and we don’t care what the type is, either. To implement the Reducer interface, we do need to know what the type is, but luckily there’s a name for the type where we don’t care what the value is: Unit. So a collector could be a Reducer<Unit, T>, and we can define a Collector interface that implements a Reducer<Unit, T>, like so:

interface Collector<R, T> implements 
    Supplier<R>, Consumer<T>, Reducer<Unit, T> {
  default Reducer.Result<Unit> apply(Unit unit, T t) {
    return Reducer.Continue<>(unit);

and then our ToList collector above can also implement Collector<List<T>, T>. Then all we need to do is implement a collect method, like:

public <R> R collect(Supplier<Collector<R, U>> supplier) {
  var collector = supplier.get();

  reduce(collector, Unit.unit());

  return collector.get();

This covers quite a bit of the functionality of Streams, in a fairly ergonomic and extensible way. Streams have further features, particularly allowing parallel processing. These could potentially also be implemented in terms of transducers, but that’s an extension for another day.

An initial implementation of transducers, containing the code in this post and a bit more, is available as part of my Barely Functional library on GitHub.